25.02.2013 09:05
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Miratech Named to 2013 Global Outsourcing 100 List

Miratech Named to 2013 Global Outsourcing 100 List

Miratech, a leading IT outsourcing provider, has been named as one of the Global Outsourcing 100® service providers by the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals® (IAOP®).

IAOP is the leading global standard-setting organization and advocate for the outsourcing profession with a worldwide community of more than 120,000 members and affiliates. IAOP annually conducts an independent assessment of the capabilities of outsourcing service providers and advisors, and, based on this assessment, publishes the Global Outsourcing 100 list, the World’s Best Outsourcing Advisors list, and various sub-lists. Applications are then judged by an independent panel of experienced outsourcing buyers on four critical characteristics: size and growth; customer references; organizational competencies; and management capabilities.

The unranked lists were released on February 18 at the opening day of 16th annual Outsourcing World Summit, at the JW Marriott Phoenix Desert Ridge Resort, in Phoenix, Arizona. Official Global Outsourcing 100 rankings will be presented in the May 20th FORTUNE 500 issue of FORTUNE magazine, in a special section produced by IAOP.

The Global Outsourcing 100 list and its sub-lists are essential references for companies seeking new and expanded relationships with the best companies in the industry. The list includes companies from around the world that provide the full spectrum of outsourcing services, from information technology and business process outsourcing to facility services, real estate and capital asset management, manufacturing, and logistics.

Miratech CEO Valeriy Kutsyy comments, “Getting in the Global Outsourcing 100 is a major achievement for a service provider. For us it is also important proof that Miratech is on the right track.”

IAOP CEO Debi Hamill notes, “Global competition is at an all time high. This comes at a time when companies that outsource are scrutinizing their providers more closely. The Global Outsourcing 100 list is the only guide to help companies research and compare service providers with whom they are considering outsourcing relationships.”

IAOP Chairman Michael Corbett adds, "As 2013 begins to see moderate growth in the economy, choosing the right outsourcing partners will be more important than ever. The Global Outsourcing 100 list helps companies easily identify partners that will help them emerge as leaders.”

About Miratech

Miratech provides outsourcing and other IT services to corporate customers. Founded in 1989, Miratech is headquartered in Stockholm, with the main development center located in Kiev. Miratech’s service network, including R&D centers, is available in 560 cities and towns.

The International Association of Outsourcing Professionals named Miratech among the world’s best outsourcing service providers on the Top 100 Global Outsourcing Companies list. Miratech has been recognized by the Black Book of Outsourcing as one of the top 10 leading outsourcing service providers in Central and Eastern Europe. In 2010, 2011, and 2012, Miratech was named an Industry Leader in the Software Development category by League of the Best, the international economic rating based on State Statistics Committee official data.

Ньюсмейкер: Миратех Корпорация — 32 публикации


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